

The mimosas are adding a dash of colour to the coast, a sign that spring is not so far away. And with the spring comes a new season full of promise at the Restaurant Colette! Promise made deliciously tangible by our chef, Nicolas Gautier.
Let's dispel any possibility of confusion. Although there are plenty of great things to say about it, the film Colette, to be released next January, is not about our restaurant. Rather, it deals with the life of the one to whom we pay homage; Sidonie-Gabrielle Colette, a woman of letters, but also and especially, a liberated woman.
Or, to be precise, the garden comes to Colette! The garden in question is the Jardin de la Piboule, in Cogolin. Between the Mediterranean Sea and the Massif des Maures, a committed market gardener cultivates fruit and vegetables in harmony with nature. This is the produce that is found in the kitchens of the Colette restaurant, where the chef and his team work with love and precision.
Saint-Tropez is known for its enchanting turquoise waters, its long sandy beaches peppered with striped loungers, and its small coves linked by picturesque coastal paths. But what gives the resort its flavour, its unique taste? It’s the tarte tropézienne, of course!
The summer is ending, the kids are back in school and the rest of us have returned to work. But it’s not all gloom when we can bring a little sunshine back into our lives with a flavoursome treat. So, to ease the changing of the seasons we at the Colette are pleased to offer you our recipe for rum baba. Make, indulge and enjoy!