The Restaurant Colette gives a little tip of the chapeau to the culinary traditions of nearby Italy by offering a selection of delicious pasta dishes for you to enjoy! Our chef invites you to share his ‘Pasta Passion’ by indulging in the simple yet stylish pleasures of his tasty pasta creativity.
The Colette and pasta, an all-consuming passion
Pasta finds its place on tables throughout the entire world and is a dish both simple and refined that can be enjoyed in a wide variety of ways. The cuisine of the Restaurant Colette is inspired by the flavours of Italy and a respect for our neighbouring nation’s culinary traditions. So, we offer you the freshest of pasta, enhanced with the finest ingredients and cooked on the spot. Our homemade pasta reveals unique flavours to the palate, adapting perfectly to the sauces that accompany it, the secret recipes of which are known only to our chef.
Our cannelloni with brousse de brebis
Among the ‘Pasta’ specialities of our menu you’ll find cannelloni with brousse de brebis (an artisanal sheep’s cheese) and pine nuts / parmesan / rocket salad / tomato confit. Our cannelloni, one of the great classics of Italian cuisine, will make you melt with pleasure. The tangy taste of the brousse, made exclusively in Basse-Provence, is suitable for both savoury and sweet recipes. The filling of this completely vegetarian dish is rich with sublime Mediterranean flavours that will delight your taste buds.
Shells from Italy on your plate
Continuing the pasta theme, the Restaurant Colette also offers exquisite Conchiglioni Rigati / tomato sauce / chicken / mushrooms / bacon / spring onions. This variety of very high-quality pasta, with a name meaning ‘large fluted shell’, was created in Campania in the 16th century. The bacon filling enhanced by the sprightly taste of cébette (spring onions) helps to make this dish a sheer delight.